Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Citi Aims To Stem the Flow

Oh, there will be soooo much caterwauling about this, but I hope they all choke on their angst. For practical purposes, this is the only way left that Citi can keep the few people with brains that make money from bailing after bonuses have been shut off via government/populist outrage. The government has how much sunk in Citi? $100 billion? Who the hell knows, but unless they want that figure to be worth the big donut they ought not to get too much in a twist. You see, Citi is like almost every other business - hell like almost every other organization - in that 20% of the people there probably provide 80% of the value. The rest just keep the lights on. Everybody worth their salt at Citi is looking for a job and if most of these folks leave, Citi will turn into the DMV. Three years from now, after there has been a mass exodus of talent away from Citi, some doofus in the government is going to wonder why Citi makes no money.

Oh and by the way, GM and Chrysler are next. If you're a hot shot engineer or marketing whiz, do people really expect you to stick around the government/UAW-owned carmakers? Nope, you're gone.


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