Monday, July 21, 2008

The NY Times Is Lame, Its Competitors Too, It Seems

Maybe I am a doofus but I can't seem to find any news on where McCain's rejected Op-Ed - rejected by the NY Times (which I don't read for the same reason that I don't drive a Chevy) - will be published.  Not that it promises to be any great shakes, I mean, who is expecting sheer brilliance from a 700 word piece whipped up on the fly that conveys mostly what everybody knows already?  Still, where is the competitive fire in the news business?  Where is that sensational headline "The McCain Op-ed that the NY Times Won't Print" that seeks to capitalize on this journalistic gaffe?  This a story.  Not so much about the value of McCain's words, but about the Times's obtuseness.  What competitor wouldn't want to show up an obtuse and silly competitor?  There's your answer right there.  The print news business ain't all that competitive.  With the exception of the Wall Street Journal, there is no print journalistic enterprise looking to rub the Times's face in it.  The Times's action is exhibit A as to why modern American journalism is so dreadful.  Exhibit B is that there seems to be no instantaneous response from the competition eager to bring you what the Times won't.


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