Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rudy Messes With Texas

Last time around I said that you would never know that Rudy was from New York F***kin' City. Well, that changed last night. People will point out that smacking down Ron Paul's absurdity, will burnish Rudy's national security bona fides, but I think the real value lies elsewhere. The chief virtue of the episode is not what Rudy said so much as that the whole thing was unscripted. It gave us a look at a real person, Rudy the un-politician. It allowed us to see him at his unphony best, which is, to my thinking, one of his chief virtues in this race where phonies abound on all sides of the aisle. Furthermore, to the extent that people around the country still see any virtue attributable to being a New Yorker, it must come from the perception that we are quick, savvy and tough. Rudy showed those virtues in spades.

I have always maintained that Rudy is what the Republican party needs - a conservative management philosophy without the moralizing tone that puts people off, essentially a more libertarian Republican without the kookiness of a real Libertarian. I think Rudy is hitting that sweet spot and will eventually confound the limited MSM worldview. They will be absolutely befuddled that a pro-choice Republican, or a Republican who is essentially indifferent to the abortion issue, can be successful. In their view, there ain't no such thing.


Blogger Donny Baseball said...

Yes, some are. I consider myself libertarian-ish because true libertarians have some genuinely kooky ideas like doing away with government law enforcement in favor of citizen law enforcement. I happen to think our system, where the bulk of law enforcement is local poses little threat to our liberty. Libertarians often obsess over marginal issues like drug legalization when there are other issues far more damaging to personal liberty. Go to the Libertarian Party's website and read their platform. It is not entirely sane. Fortunately the blogosphere presents the best face of libertarianism in that most prominent bloggers who claim the label seem to be what I would call libertarianish, which is simply sensible.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Tax Shelter said...

The libertarians want smaller government, not no government:

Libertarians believe in, and pursue, personal freedom while maintaining personal responsibility. The Libertarian Party itself serves a much larger pro-liberty community with the specific mission of electing Libertarians to public office.

Libertarians strongly oppose any government interfering in their personal, family and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.

In a nutshell, we are advocates for a smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom....

Consider the Libertarian option:

Substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of government and cut all taxes.

Let peaceful, honest people offer their goods and services to willing consumers without a hassle from government.

Let peaceful, honest people decide for themselves what to eat, drink, read, or smoke and how to dress, medicate themselves, or make love, without fear of criminal penalties.

The U.S. government should defend Americans and their property in America and let the U.S. taxpayer off the hook for the defense bill of wealthy countries like Germany and Japan.

If these are official libertarian party positions, then where is the kookiness?

8:14 AM  
Blogger Donny Baseball said...

No, these are solid and I am 110% on board. I just went back to the LP's website and it is alot different than the last time I went there. Honest, the last time I was there they had alot of the more extreme libertarian policy planks up there, like citizen law enforcement . I guess they have dekookified in recent years. TS, you have educated me. Thanks.

10:21 AM  

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