Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Economics, Psychology, What's the Difference?

The self back-patting felt so good, why not go for a little extra...

Here is what I said about income inequality:
"Aside from the fact that income inequality is perfectly consonant with the founding ideals and longstanding cultural heritage of the US, it is only the most outlandish economic theories that purport income inequality to be damaging to society."

Witness the argument that has caused this latest hoopla. Got that? Rich people make poor people feel bad. They might dress this up in the fancy teminology of academic economics, calling this 'feeling bad' a "negative externality", but this is mumbo-jumbo, mystical voodoo conjuring of the most ridiculous kind. Outlandish indeed. This is about as desparate and grasping as the one where capitalism is bad because we have too many types of mustard to choose from.


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