Monday, August 21, 2006

I'll Join the Club

A while back I expressed no desire to be in one of Greg Mankiw's clubs, but it turns out I am headed for membership in another club in which he is also a member, the Serial Procreator's Club.

Shameless self-promoter that he is, Prof. Mankiw puts forward his own defense of his putatively socially misbegotten behavior. And a fine defense it is. Nonetheless the gold standard of Mankiw's general argument (and I was surpised he didn't mention it) is this.

Or, if you are one of those people who are inclined to think that many of the world's mysteries have been easily decoded and summed up for us in the form of quotations from a certain former British politician, there is this.


Blogger Donny Baseball said...

Maybe the fact that no one will indulge you on your quest for club membership has something to do with your choice of reading material. Chicks dig Dan Brown and Plum Sykes. Put down the North and don't advertise your hopeless dorkiness until you land a sweety. You can always go back - every great relationship is grounded at least to some degree in deception. Worked for me.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Tax Shelter said...


so, how much deception is too much in a relationship?

9:40 AM  

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