Monday, May 22, 2006

Now Playing at the New School: Feminist Jazz Majors of World on War and Peace

I am not a Senator McCain fan, but I would have gladly become one if he had been more aggressive in smacking down the combined arrogance and puerile insouciance of the kids (faculty included) at the New School here in NYC.

Here are the drivelings of senior Jean Sara Rohe, who spoke at the ceremony as well. "I am young and though I don't possess the wisdom that time affords us, I do know that preemptive war is dangerous." You get an A for grasping the obvious and superficiality of thought, Miss Rohe. Preemptive war is indeed dangerous. Most forms of actual war are. But equally dangerous is a false peace. Like many, Miss Rohe seems to harbor the simplistic notion that the absence of war is peace. That is an equally dangerous notion. It results in a September 11 or the Blitzkrieg. So the question that our society has been wrestling with generally for several years since 9/11/01 (although not too much here in the Big Apple) is one taken from Economics 101: Compared to what? Preemptive war compared to what? To the peace that prevailed on 9/10/01. To a Chamberlain-esque notion of peace?

Alas, they don't teach much economics, or any discipline that instills the economic way of thinking for that matter, at the New School. It shows.


Blogger Donny Baseball said...

The New School is a strange animal. It parades around as an actual university but it is really just a trade school or vocational school for living in New York. And Kerrey is not even all that popular because he is from Nebraska, fought for his country, and, well, probably likes this country on balance. The New School truly is the quintessential liberal school, there are no standards, is no coherent program of study, and no attempt to assess achievement relative to others. It is a wide open, any thing goes, free-for-all. You don't go there if you want to get a job. Kerrey is probably secretly laughing to himself that they pay him to run that asylum.

And Husker point spreads have been pretty depressing in recent years...lots of 'creamed corn' on offer in Lincoln and around the Big 12.

12:09 AM  

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