Bush to Hu Jintao: "Our Oil Weapon Is Sleepin in the Corner"
Check out this national gas price map. What state has some of the lowest gas prices? Wyoming. Yeah, that's right, Dick Cheney's state. C'mon, you know he can pull it off.
Manny Mota...Mota...Mota (OK, not a helpful title...this blog is mostly about Economics, the Markets, Politics...and during the football season also about the New York Giants)
Yes indeed, nothing sticks in my craw more than the mindless rhetoric coming from all sides over gas prices, particularly given the dreadfull role the policymakers have played in all this. The delicious irony is that the phony 'looking-out-for-the-little-guy' bromides are becoming less and less true. More and more people are telecommuting and if it so farging onerous to drive these days, they have options, all brought to you by your friendly free market system!
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