Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Here's Why There Are So Many Ex-Jerseyites

A few weeks back I indulged in some "I told 'ya so" finger-wagging at residents of my home state for subjecting themselves to higher taxes and continued runaway spending (and thus credit rating downgrades) in the form of Governor Jon Corzine. Well, the budget proposal is down on paper and Bloomberg has the lowdown.

It's a doozie. Another $2.6 billion in spending (+9% over last year) and Corzine's Treasurer has the balls to assert that they took an austere approach. But don't forget those property tax rebates!! If you're old and poor you get an extra $125 and if you are neither of those things you get an extra $30.

I shouldn't be harping on the misery of my compatriots back home in the Garden State, I am, after all, merely a few spots behind them in line for such a beating.

No wonder the country keeps moving south and west.

UPDATE: Case in point.


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